Legionella Risk Assessment

Legionella risk assessment may sound technical, but it is crucial for safeguarding the health of people in a building or facility.

Legionnaires’ disease is no small matter – it is a severe form of pneumonia that can be fatal, and its symptoms are similar to those of other illnesses like flu, making it difficult to diagnose.

That’s why Legionella risk assessment is so important. Carried out by us in water systems, it involves a detailed evaluation of every component of a building’s water system, such as cooling towers, spas, showers, and even humidifiers.

  • Legionella Testing

    Quick identification of contamination sources assists in preventing the spread of bacteria.

  • Legionella Risk Assessments

    Monitoring and regular checks with preventative measures against legoinella

  • Water Hygiene Risk Assessment

    Water hygiene risk assessments evaluate water sources, identify and control hazards, and monitor and review to ensure water safety, prevent disease, and reduce legal liability.

Our report aims to identify any potential risk factors for the growth and spread of Legionella bacteria, such as stagnant water, faulty temperature controls, or inadequate cleaning schedules. Without rigorous Legionella risk assessments, buildings and facilities could unwittingly allow the bacteria to spread, putting people’s health at risk.

  • Legionella is a bacteria that can cause Legionnaires’ disease, a severe form of pneumonia.
  • The bacteria can grow in water systems, such as cooling towers, spas, showers, and humidifiers.
  • Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal illness, especially for people with weakened immune systems or respiratory issues.
  • Legionella risk assessment is important to identify and manage risks that may contribute to the growth and spread of Legionella bacteria.
  • The assessment process also involves determining the people who are more susceptible to contracting Legionnaires’ disease.
  • Measures must be put in place to reduce risks, ensuring a healthy and safe environment for building occupants and workers.
  • Legionella risk assessment is conducted by a qualified professional.
  • The assessment will typically involve the following steps:
    • Inspection of the building’s water system
    • Sampling of water from the system
    • Testing of the water samples for Legionella bacteria
    • Identification of any potential risk factors
    • Development of a plan to reduce risks
  • Legionella risk assessment can help to prevent the spread of Legionnaires’ disease.
  • This can protect the health of building occupants and workers.
  • Legionella risk assessment can also help to reduce the risk of lawsuits.
  • If you are concerned about Legionella risk in your building, you should contact us to conduct a risk assessment.
  • You can also take steps to reduce the risk of Legionnaires’ disease, such as:
    • Maintaining your water system properly
    • Cleaning and disinfecting your water system regularly
    • Educating your staff about Legionnaires’ disease

Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal pneumonia-like illness caused by Legionella bacteria. As such, it is essential to identify and manage risks that may contribute to the growth and spread of this bacteria. The assessment process also involves determining the people who are more susceptible to contracting Legionnaires’ disease, such as individuals with weakened immune systems or respiratory issues. Measures must be put in place to reduce risks, ensuring a healthy and safe environment for building occupants and workers. Such measures may involve the installation of appropriate water treatment systems, regular maintenance, and monitoring of systems, and ongoing education and training of building staff to identify and manage potential risks. A robust assessment plan that includes preventive measures and ongoing assessment and monitoring is essential in reducing the risk of Legionnaires’ disease, safeguarding public health, and ensuring the wellbeing of building occupants and workers. 

Prices start from £45.00
