Retrofit Services

X13 Property Services are Trustmark registered and Elmhurst qualified Retrofit Assessors, Coordinators, Designers and Evaluators who can provide full PAS 2035 compliance to our clients.

The most important reason to retrofit your home or housing stock is to make improvements in order to make the property more energy efficient, warmer and reduce its carbon footprint.

Our Process

  1. Retrofit Assessment – A qualified retrofit professional will assess the property
  2. Prepare a Whole House plan – It can be carried out in stages to suit your budget, lifestyle or needs
  3. Agree the plan and gather quotes – From approved retrofit contractors
  4. Sign contracts and start work – A preferred contractor is chosen, contracts are signed and work begins
  5. Evaluation and completion – On completion, the work is checked to ensure it’s delivered to all required quality standards

You can view TrustMark’s guide to Retrofitting your home below

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Prices for our Retrofit Services are available upon request.
